State of Video Conferencing Experience

September 2020

COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we work forever as many enterprises have either declared a permanent Work from Home setup or extended it long until a few years. Video Conferencing apps have played a vital role in helping employees collaborate and maintain productivity levels and with enterprises using a mix of these apps, the question is which app is the right fit for which company?

This whitepaper assesses the quality of experience delivered by the top video conferencing platforms that are regularly used. We measure the experience they deliver using our proprietary framework called Application Quality Index (AQI), which in this case is a composite of the app’s responsiveness and conferencing experience. We also provided relevant insights to help conferencing platforms in strategically designing their apps and collaborating with network service providers to deliver the right speeds for their smooth functioning.

Download a copy of the whitepaper by submitting short form on the right.

What’s Inside?

  • Introduction to MOZARK’s Application Quality Index (AQI).
  • Key insights on consistently best performing conferencing apps in 20+ cities in different network conditions across all operators.
  • Impact of network experience that Telcos deliver and the need to adhere to offering consistent Minimum Operating Threshold (MOT) download speeds for smooth conferencing experience.